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Former Kenyan Political Detainee: ‘Don’t skimp on housing’

Posted by Administrator on October 6, 2009

Andrew Wasike. Picture by Christopher Thomond

Andrew Wasike. Picture by Christopher Thomond

Andrew Wasike knows better than many the realities of modern – or not so modern – social housing. Through his work with the Leeds Tenant Federation, he goes inside a lot of homes, and is often worried by what he sees.

Wasike claims that the government’s Decent Homes commitment – to ensure that by 2010 all accommodation is warm, weatherproof and has reasonably modern facilities – has turned out to be “merely cosmetic”, with only a handful of homes in each area getting attention. But with a financial squeeze on the horizon, he is adamant that completing the project must be a priority, and that it will end up saving resources elsewhere.

“Some families are living in very poor conditions,” he says. “We’re in the 21st century; we need proper standards. It affects people’s health. The cold weather goes straight through the walls. If these were insulated, people would reduce the amount of visits they make to their GP with problems like asthma.”

Having lived in the Netherlands for seven years, Wasike, a former political detainee who left his native Kenya in 1999, is keen for the government to look to other European countries for solutions.

“In the Netherlands, central government gives every local authority money that is supposed to maintain houses,” he says. “It has to be used for that work, and any money that is left has to be returned. Councils have an obligation to see that it has improved standards, and if it is judged that it hasn’t then the councils will be held responsible and made to pay back the money.” That incentive, he says, makes all the difference to delivery.

Wasike is keen for tenants to take a greater stake in the upkeep of their homes. “We should find a way to educate tenants to maintain their homes and keep them in good shape, so it’s not only housing associations or councils who are responsible. Residents need to work as a team with them. Landlords should walk around and see if their houses are well maintained. If they’re not, they should be asking why that is.”

Rachel Williams and Shanthy Sooriasegaram

Source: The Guardian-UK

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