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Archive for September 5th, 2011

Man born in Iraqi war zone wows Australia

Posted by Administrator on September 5, 2011

Emmanuel Kelly was born in the middle of a war zone in Iraq. He and his brother were found living in a shoe box. After he and his brother were
found, they were taken to an orphanage. They did not know his age as he did not have a birth certificate or a passport.

Emmanuel and his brother got a lucky break when an Australian woman Moira Kelly walked into the orphanage, adopted them and took
them to Australia to start a new life.

Years later, Emanuel is now show casing a gift; a gift of song. Please see video

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Kenyan Woman jailed for £83,000 benefit fraud

Posted by Administrator on September 5, 2011

September 05, 2011

A woman who claimed £83,237 in benefits despite having more than £94,000 in the bank has been jailed for a year.

Jenifer Nyambura Francis, formerly of Tippett Rise, Katesgrove, was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on August 3.

She was convicted of receiving £33,214 in income support, £47,685 in housing benefit and £2,338 in council tax benefit.

The 37-year-old is now due to go before a judge at the same court in January for a proceeds of crime hearing. The judge could decide to confiscate all of her assets derived from any criminal activity to repay the falsely claimed benefits as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, Reading Borough Council is making arrangements for her to pay regular contributions to recover the outstanding housing and council tax benefit debts.

Francis was granted income support in 2003 after claiming she was a single parent with no means of financial support.

In 2005, she claimed her circumstances hadn’t changed.

During this time, she also claimed housing benefit and told the council and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) she only had one bank account.

When the council and DWP investigated, it was discovered Francis had been working for various people over the years and had been receiving a bursary as a full-time student after starting a diploma in mental health nursing at Birmingham City University.

The investigation also uncovered she had four undisclosed bank accounts, with credits totalling more than £94,000.

She had also bought a property in Wroxham, Bracknell, without disclosing that fact and rented it out without disclosing the income, either.

Tony Page, deputy leader of Reading Borough Council, said: “This is quite an extreme case of benefit fraud and I am glad to see that once again the council has taken tough action against people who have deliberately defrauded the system.

“It is so important people who are claiming any kind of benefits inform the council of changes to their circumstances. If they don’t and then are found to be falsely claiming benefits, they will be prosecuted and be instructed by the courts to repay any benefits they have received but are not entitled to.”

Benefit cheats can be fined up to £5,000 and sentenced to six months imprisonment by magistrates, or the crown court has no limit on a fine and can order seven years behind bars.

Source: http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/s/2099116_woman_jailed_for_83000_benefit_fraud

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